Sunday, March 25, 2012

What is ping?

 Ping is a program that sends a series of packets over a network or the Internet to a specific computer in order to generate a response from that computer. The other computer responds with an acknowledgment that it received the packets. Ping was created to verify whether a specific computer on a network or the Internet exists and is connected.

Some have claimed that the word "ping" is actually an acronym for "Packet Internet (or Inter-Network) Groper", deliberately contrived to play on the fact that pinging with a computer is similar to what submariners do with sonar. Both the computer and the submarine's sonar send out a "ping", in the form of either a series of packets or a brief burst of sound. The ping "bounces" off the target and then returns to let you know the target is there.

Ping is both a noun and a verb, e.g., "Ping that computer", or "the router didn't return a ping".
Ping is built into almost every network-capable operating system. To ping a computer, go to a command prompt and enter ping , a space, and then the network or Internet address you wish to contact. For example, enter the following at a Windows XP command prompt:

You should get a response similar to this:

pinging with 32 bytes of data: 
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127 
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127 
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127 
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=127 
ping statistics for 
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), 
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: 
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms

What is IP?

IP stands for Internet Protocol. All devices such as PCs, website servers, switches and routers have an IP address to communicate over the internet. Think of an IP address as a postcode or zip code, without the postcode or zip code, we cannot receive our mail through the postal system. An Internet Protocol address is a 32-bit number, which looks similar to (each 8 bit number can start from 1-255). I do not want to go into to much detail, but hope you get the idea that all devices on the internet will have an IP address.

What is ICMP?

ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. ICMP was created to send test messages across an IP network. Sending these messages would let you know if a device like PCs, website servers, switches and routers are contactable over an IP network. Ping uses ICMP to contact other devices on the IP network.

The nature of ping.

Many people in the IT world will recognise ping as a network utility to test whether or not a device such as a router, server or switch is contactable. The way this works is the computer or device will generate an ICMP packet that is sent over the local network or internet. The ICMP packet will find its way across the network by having a source and destination IP address. When the device receives this information it then sends a reply saying “yes, I am here”. As I work for an ISP (Internet Service Provider) myself this is an essential tool to help do my job. Ping is used a lot in IT and network troubleshooting.

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