Friday, June 4, 2010


On almost any subject, there are many sources of information around the Internet. Unfortunately, sometimes finding the location of the information that you want can be difficult. Archie can help you find things related to your topic of interest.

Invoking Archie.

The general method of use is of the form

% archie string
This will query the archie server for all known systems that have a file named string in their FTP area. Archie will wait, and print out any matches. For example,

% archie emacs
will find all anonymous FTP sites in the archie database that have files  named  emacs somewhere in their FTP area. This example query would probably return many directories.

Archie Options.

If you want a list of files that contain emacs anywhere in the filename, you'd use the `c' option:

% archie -c emacs
The most important options are:

-c  Search substrings paying attention  to  upper  & lower case.
     -e  Exact string match.  (This is the default.)
     -r  Search using a regular expression.
     -s  Search  substrings  ignoring  the  case  of  the letters.
     -t  Sort the results inverted by date.
A regular expressions, such as,

% archie -r '[xX][lL]isp'
uses a matching template, in this case, matching xlisp, Xlisp, xLisp, and XLisp.  If you list a single `-' by itself, any  further  arguments will  be taken  as  part  of  the  search  string. This is intended to enable searching for strings that begin  with  a  `-'.

For example: 

% archie -s - -old
will search for all filenames that contain the string `-old'.

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